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Provide a Brighter Future for a Falcon

Florida College connects your business to talented students who can become your strongest future employees. Students earn academic credit for their internships and you gain a sense of pride in developing skilled employees tailored to your needs. Our students graduate with the mindset that they can take on any challenge, providing you with employees that are willing to, “work at it with all their heart, as working for the Lord.”

By Partnering With Florida College, You Can:

Cultivate Talented Individuals

Develop a Pipeline of Future Employees

Save on the Costs of Hiring and Recruiting

Partnership in Action

In 2018, Todd Cox launched a program that gives Florida College students the opportunity to move to Austin, TX for the summer to work for Mustang Plumbing. As interns, they are given a salary, housing, and a scholarship exclusively to Florida College.

The students live on the 16-acre campus for free and learn various aspects of the plumbing trade throughout the summer, regardless of their major.


“FC taught me to always put my best foot forward, to take a challenge head-on, and to give glory back to God.”

Tania Steele graduated from Florida College in 2018 with a four-year degree in Organizational Communication. She interned with SOFWERX and was quickly hired as a full-time Events Coordinator. She has since been promoted to Events and Marketing Director.

-Tania Steele

“The values I learned at Florida College have prepared me for a career of success.”

Conner Duff graduated from Florida College in 2020 with a four-year degree in Business Administration. After interning with TECO (Tampa Electric Company) for six months, he was offered a full-time position as a Business Planning Analyst.

-Conner Duff