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A degree in biology at Florida College prepares students for a future of success

October 25, 2022

Florida College has an increasing number of students pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Biology, one of four new degrees the school is now offering beginning in 2022. Biology majors study all living organisms, including animals, plants, humans, bacteria and more. Biology is a versatile degree which introduces students to a range of branches and specializations, including genetics, medicine, botany, marine biology, zoology, conservation and environmental science.

The Chair of the Mathematics and Science Department, Dr. Andrew Stafford, is excited about the opportunities that this degree will offer to his students.

“With a bachelor’s degree in biology, a graduate will be qualified to enter many entry-level pharmaceuticals, biotech and medical research positions,” said Stafford. “STEM educators are also in high demand and many states have programs that allow individuals with a biology degree to begin teaching while also working toward their certifications.”

A Bachelor of Science in Biology is also advantageous for students applying to graduate programs in fields like biomedical engineering, microbiology and pharmacology. The new degree allows Dr. Stafford to add innovative classes to the first cohort’s course schedules.

“Courses on viruses, the immune system, the brain, and the environment, will all be novel courses for Florida College,” said Stafford.

A biology degree is an excellent fit for students who wish to study the complexity of the natural world in an academic environment that gives all glory and credit to the Creator.

To learn more about the degree, click here.

Courses on viruses, the immune system, the brain, and the environment, will all be novel courses for Florida College.

-Dr. Andrew Stafford,
Chair of the Mathematics and Science Department